On November 24, APAC (Association of Audiovisual Professionals of Catalonia) held a meeting with representatives of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya. This meeting was attended by Ms Àngels Ponsa i Roca Regional Minister of Culture, Ms Maria Rosa Pons i Vilarasau Head of Cabinet of the Regional Minister of Culture and Mr Lluís Baulenas Costa Secretary General of Culture and representing APAC, Mr Joan Carles Martin – President, Ms. Teresa Montserrat – Vice President and Mr. Pere Albiñana –Secretary.
The activity carried out by audiovisual technical production companies was explained in detail, revealing, once again, the ignorance of the administrations for this sector. It was transmitted again that the sector is very transversal since it provides the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of a cultural event, show, concert or congress, which makes them be directly linked to culture, mice tourism or with the industry through the fabric business that integrates the sector, small and medium-sized companies. As a consequence of this transversality, there is a void since it is not recognized in its aid by any of the ministries.
On the part of the Conselleria, it was recognized that the aid was not well adjusted to the needs of the sector, since our companies are not considered as cultural companies, in fact all this comes from the decree 38/20 of the Generalitat in which it provided coverage to the annulments of the acts canceled by the new restrictions proposed by health between October 30 and November 22. The sector could not benefit from this Decree, being directly affected.
They promised to attend a meeting with APAC with the Ministry of Business and establish a joint work table.
From APAC we appreciate the interest shown by the representatives of the Ministry of Culture for their attention and interest shown.
From APAC we continue working to be recognized. Make the invisible industry visible.