The analysis of the results of the Love of Lesbian concert at the Palau Sant Jordi allows us to affirm that the event had no impact on the transmission of COVID-19 among the attendees.
These data make it possible to exclude that the Palau Sant Jordi concert constituted a COVID-19 super-transmission event, just as this type of event had been cataloged in indoor venues and massive public attendance until today.
The doctors from the Lluita Foundation against AIDS and Infectious Malalties and the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, responsible for the observational study of the Love of Lesbian concert at the Palau Sant Jordi organized by Festivals per la Cultura Segura, Boris Revollo, Josep Maria Llibre and Bonaventura Clotet have reported that of the 4,592 concert attendees who gave consent to allow the analysis of COVID-19 diagnoses, 6 positive people have been diagnosed in a period of 14 days after the concert. The 6 cases have had mild or asymptomatic symptoms, in no case have they required hospital admission and no secondary transmission to other contacts has been observed. In at least 4 of these 6 cases, the complete epidemiological survey carried out by the Fundació’s medical teams suggests that the exposure to the source of the infection took place outside the concert.
After analyzing the data in collaboration with the Epidemiological Surveillance service of the Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, those responsible for the study have concluded that with the analysis of data as of April 14, 2021, the detected cases represent a cumulative incidence of 14 days of 130.7 cases / 100,000 inhabitants, while the cumulative incidence of the population of the city of Barcelona in the same age group and same dates was 259.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.
According to the researchers, the cumulative incidence in concert attendees in the 14 days after the event does not suggest any impact on the transmission of COVID-19 during the concert. Thus, these data make it possible to exclude that the Palau Sant Jordi concert has constituted an event of super-transmission of COVID-19, as until today these types of events have been cataloged in indoor venues and massive public attendance.
Normality on the day of the concert
5,000 spectators attended the Love of Lesbian concert on March 27, 2021 at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona. All of them were screened with a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test the same morning of the concert and only six people tested positive and could not attend the event. Mass screening was carried out without incident by health professionals with the coordination of the FLS. During the concert, the use of a FFP2 face mask was mandatory and the ventilation of the venue was optimized in accordance with current regulations. In addition, the flow of people within the enclosure, the toilet area and the restaurant area was managed, and the attendees were located in 3 separate and non-communicated areas. Attendees were able to enjoy the concert without physical distancing. Compliance with these measures by the attendees was scrupulous throughout the concert.
From Festivals for Safe Culture, the observational study is highly valued. We will continue working under the guidance of the scientific community to continue advancing together with the institutions. The objective is for this established model to generate new proposals within the framework of a strategic pilot test plan such as the one on March 27 at the Palau Sant Jordi.
From the organization we want to thank our sponsors Estrella Damm, Save the Night (Jägermeister), YEGO Urban Mobility, Events, SGAE, ONEBOX, Hard, The Rolling Stage, Anou Audiovisuals, Weezevent; to the institutions, Barcelona City Council, / Health, Culture Department, Interior Department, #JoEmCorono, Lluita Foundation Against AIDS and Infectious Malalties, Palau Sant Jordi; and the media that collaborated with the broadcast of the Radio 3 and iCat FM concert.